2023/03/11 10:15 魔司收录网 已浏览127次以下是一小段杀死指定进程名字的小vbs,希望对大家有帮助。
Function KillProc(strProcName)
On Error Resume Next
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\cimv2")
Set arrProcesses = objWMIService.ExecQuery( "select * from win32_process where Name ='"&strProcName&"'" )
For Each proccess In arrProcesses
proccess.Terminate 0
End Function
VBS命令-进程操作代码(检测进程, 结束进程)
进程名 = "qq.exe"
返回值 = IsProcess(进程名)
If 返回值 = True Then
MessageBox "发现进程"
ElseIf 返回值 = False Then
MessageBox "没有发现进程"
End If
//检测进程 优化后的代码
If IsProcess("qq.exe") = True Then
MessageBox "发现进程"
MessageBox "没有发现进程"
End If
进程组 = "qq.exe|notepad.exe"
返回值 = IsProcessEx(进程组)
If 返回值 = True Then
MessageBox "发现进程"
ElseIf 返回值 = False Then
MessageBox "没有发现进程"
End If
//检测进程组 优化后的代码
If IsProcessEx("qq.exe|notepad.exe") = True Then
MessageBox "发现进程"
MessageBox "没有发现进程"
End If
//结束进程 前台执行
进程名 = "qq.exe"
Call CloseProcess(进程名, 1)
//结束进程 后台执行
进程名 = "qq.exe"
Call CloseProcess(进程名, 0)
//结束进程组 前台执行
进程组 = "qq.exe|notepad.exe"
Call CloseProcessEx(进程组, 1)
//结束进程组 后台执行
进程组 = "qq.exe|notepad.exe"
Call CloseProcessEx(进程组, 0)
//实例应用 结束进程 前台执行 10秒超时
进程名 = "qq.exe"
For 10
Call CloseProcess(进程名,1)
Delay 1000
返回值 = IsProcess(进程名)
If 返回值 = False Then
Exit For
End If
If 返回值=True Then
MessageBox "结束进程失败"
MessageBox "结束进程成功"
End If
//实例应用 结束进程 前台执行 优化后的代码(直到型循环) 有些进程VBS检测不到 所以先关闭后检测
Call CloseProcess("qq.exe",1)
Delay 1000
Loop While IsProcess("qq.exe")=True
MessageBox "结束进程成功"
//实例应用 结束进程组 后台执行 10秒超时
进程组 = "qq.exe|notepad.exe"
For 10
Call CloseProcessEx(进程组,0)
Delay 1000
返回值 = IsProcessEx(进程组)
If 返回值 = False Then
Exit For
End If
If 返回值=True Then
MessageBox "结束进程失败"
MessageBox "结束进程成功"
End If
//实例应用 结束进程组 后台执行 优化后的代码(直到型循环) 有些进程VBS检测不到 所以先关闭后检测
Call CloseProcessEx( "qq.exe|notepad.exe",0)
Delay 1000
Loop While IsProcessEx( "qq.exe|notepad.exe")=True
MessageBox "结束进程成功"
//函数 子程序部分代码
Function IsProcess(ExeName)
Dim WMI, Obj, Objs,i
IsProcess = False
Set WMI = GetObject("WinMgmts:")
Set Objs = WMI.InstancesOf("Win32_Process")
For Each Obj In Objs
If InStr(UCase(ExeName),UCase(Obj.Description)) <> 0 Then
IsProcess = True
Exit For
End If
Set Objs = Nothing
Set WMI = Nothing
End Function
Sub CloseProcess(ExeName,RunMode)
dim ws
Set ws = createobject("Wscript.Shell")
ws.run "cmd.exe /C Taskkill /f /im " & ExeName,RunMode
Set ws = Nothing
End Sub
Function IsProcessEx(ExeName)
Dim WMI, Obj, Objs,ProcessName,i
IsProcessEx = False
Set WMI = GetObject("WinMgmts:")
Set Objs = WMI.InstancesOf("Win32_Process")
For Each Obj In Objs
For i=0 to UBound(ProcessName)
If InStr(UCase(ProcessName(i)),UCase(Obj.Description)) <> 0 Then
IsProcessEx = True
Exit For
End If
Set Objs = Nothing
Set WMI = Nothing
End Function
Sub CloseProcessEx(ExeName,RunMode)
dim ws,ProcessName,CmdCode,i
ProcessName = Split(ExeName, "|")
For i=0 to UBound(ProcessName)
CmdCode=CmdCode & " /im " & ProcessName(i)
Set ws = createobject("Wscript.Shell")
ws.run "cmd.exe /C Taskkill /f" & CmdCode,RunMode
Set ws = Nothing
End Sub